
We dedicate a page to the collections of our friends and supporters, a virtual place to visit to enjoy some of the most beautiful bikes produced by the artisan tradition that our association wants to enhance.
We thank the collectors who wanted to make their bikes public so that everyone could appreciate them.

Azzini 'Old Bike and Old Bike Collection

P.DeSade Collection (Novi Ligure)

Gianfranco Trevisan Collection

Flavio Mari Collection (Ferrara)

Giambattista Florio Collection (Ventimiglia)

Maurizio Boni Collection (San Cesario on the Panaro)

Simone Sabbatini Collection (Imola/Medicine)

Michele Asciutti Collection (Trento)

Carsten Rademacher Collection (Germany)

Robert Johnson Collection (UK)

Renato Bulfon Collection


Social RSC groups