
Log History Cycles
Card: N ° 001
Brand: Manzino
Model: Luxury
Chassis Number: 18839
Year of production 1939
Owner: Natalia Derada
Model Features:
Beautiful manzino women's bike that presents itself to us in a charming gritty tint. The frame is with invisible conjunctions, double diapason and double welding jumper between high tube and low tube, worked fork head. Carter typical 1930s and fenders both with fins; The front is particularly elongated and double-roded, the single-rod rear features white paint as a war darkening arrangement, applied directly in the factory with a "swallowtail" design. The ribs of the casing and fenders have chrome residues. The handlebars are a Confalonieri of 39 with brake levers worked, the brake is typical R. Numerous Manzino marks on lightened cranlists, family carriers, decals, and hubs with band oilers. Horn knobs, D.I.P. branded pedals with six gums, pomegranate bud and a beautiful "dog-nosed" saddle complete the set-up. 
Restoration Features:
Conservative. Added paraveste

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